I think that one of the most incredible creations of the man it’s the photographic camera, because it let you keep materially your memories, it’s like a kind of time machine that allows you back in the time with one only look at different images.
As you can realize I’m a photograph lover, I love to take pictures of my family, friends, boyfriend, animals and all the things that I wish to remember in the future. I take them and print it for look at this every day; it gives me good vibrations to start each day. I also collect photographs that my friends upload at facebook to keep them close to me in some way.
This picture that I’m showing you is one of the most beautiful photographs that I have. On this appears in order (left to right) me, my Tata and my little sister Ljubica. We were on my Tata’s house and that day my aunty Sonia was taking pictures of us in different parts of the house, I’m not sure about who takes this photo but I love it because since my Tata died I can find his smile in every picture that I have and as I tell you at the beginning this little time machine makes me feels his smell and his enormous hug and I know that he is always with me and my sister. It was taken when I was 7 years old but I feel it as it was yesterday.
I hope that in the future the pictures could take more than the images of the moment, that could include the smells, the sounds and the temperature. Letting to the people back easily to their happy moments.